Merino Farm Field Day
On November 3, 2018, Black Sheep Farm was honored to welcome Solitude Wool and fiber enthusiasts for a day on the farm, with something for everyone. A knitting class in the log kitchen. A spinning class in the sun room. A felting class and a dyeing demonstration in the shed. Sheep shearing demonstrations and new lambs to be watched and touched in the barn. A lamb tasting, wine tasting, goat cheese tasting, and of course luscious Solitude Wool yarns and fibers, plus our own fleeces, tanned pelts, and fiber. And our young Maremma-Great Pyrenees guardian dog Enzo rose to the occasion, leaning against all visitors for a pat.
Elysa Darling of 222handspun.com was there and has compiled a wonderful photoessay on the day, which you can see here on her website. Thank you, Elysa!
Here are just a few of her lovely images.